Archive for the ‘education’ Category

Alcohol & Health – responsible drinking index

January 9, 2008

The BBC website features a news article today entitled, A Little Alcohol ‘can be healthy’ .  The article is based on a European Heart Journal study that suggests individuals that undertake exercise and drink moderately have less of a probability of developing heart disease than individuals that exercise and do not drink at all.  You’ll need to read the full article to get the substance of the findings.

In the mepath lab we have been experimenting to see whether we can extract analysis on responsible drinking from the conversation authored on the Internet?   What have we been trying?  Well, we created a list of key words, like drunk, intoxicated, sick etc. and scored them against the context they appear and their frequency of occurrence.  We can even correlate this scoring to individual brands to see if there is any particular products that irresponsible drinking is associated with?  Every alcohol website has a link to the responsible drinking code, and the industry makes investments to support education on responsible drinking.  We would be happy to share our experimental finding with the industry so if you want to help us further in this cause, drop us a comment on this blog posting or email  james (at) .