Personalized search from Microsoft


Lili Cheng of Microsoft FUSE labs has been sharing with the web2.0 world their newest service, SPINDEX.  The goal for the services?  To “.  .help you get the most out of your social activity by exposing the right information, at the right time, in a way that’s meaningful.”

WOW, they don’t do small visions at Microsoft.  I think when you combine the right information and at the right time you are framing context.   There is presentation context and authoring context, really two sides of the same coin.  Its search that brings (Bings) the two contexts together.  Not being in SF this week, I did not get an access token to their site but my expectations are for an activity stream UI with some ‘filtering’ UI tools to make it different from e.g. a twitter or FB news feeds.  Lili concludes her blog post by saying, “There’s still much territory to be surveyed. . ” in these early days on the web.  I agree, this context awareness activity stream web will change the face of search.

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